Tag: epic fantasy
Sunday Snippet: Arama and Vistaren
I’ve been rotten at writing blog posts lately, haven’t I? I could make excuses, because I’m working six days a week now between two different jobs, but really, if I’d had something to say, I probably would have found time. But I’ve really had nothing to talk about in a…
Writing an E-Book in 8 Hours
The Reckless Enthusiasm of New Projects
I’m currently in a position where there’s no work to be done on the novel I’ve been polishing for the past year. Waiting to hear from others who have to read a lot of words first, so what do I do in the meantime? For one thing, I’m catching up…
Murdering my darlings and more
Last week I got fantastic feedback from a semi-new friend. We met via Twitter in December and discovered we had similar writing taste as well as a lot of other things in common. Then we met randomly in person when we discovered we had a connection through my job. So…
I hope this entry still sounds coherent when my Benadryl wears off. I’ve been suffering a violent allergy attack all day, which for me involves a plethora of violent sneezes in addition to congestion and itchy eyes and nose. The rest of it I can deal with, but the sneezing…
Stymied by the climax
According to my novel outline, I’m 9 scenes away from finishing the novel revision. And I’m stuck at the scene that takes place right before the major showdown. I have to get Character C and Villain A to a certain physical location and set the scene for the showdown to…
Hijacked by Backstory
The novel revision has been on hold for a couple of weeks as I’ve been working on backstory for several of the characters. Not generic backstory like, “He had four brothers and two of them died and now he’s the heir” or “She grew up north of the mountains and…
Chapter Four…finally
I finally finished chapter four and sent it off to the beta-readers. That gave me a brief sense of relief, but of course, chapter five is already underway. Apparently having to wait at the tire repair place is good for me, or at least good for my characters, because I…
A question about world-building
I’m almost 20,000 words into my epic fantasy novel revision, and I’m finally beating my head against a subject I have long dreaded. Calendars. Seems like an innocent enough idea, until you think about how in epic fantasy novels, the world is usually not our own. Okay, Middle-Earth was our…