Today’s Word Count: 5,610
Overall Word Count: 61,385
Okay, I have to go to bed, because I’m supposed to be getting up in about five hours to go to Gedna’s house (that’s Dad’s mom). Not that I’m excited about this, but it is familial duty and all that. Besides, I am getting so sleepy that I’m afraid pretty soon this sword-fight isn’t going to be making much sense. Sorry, krycek_chick, I can’t post it yet, because this is the climax scene, and I don’t want to give away too much before the scene is finished. ^_^ I have a feeling that the finished novel is going to end up being more like 75,000 words than 100,000, but I won’t revise my goal just yet. Hard to say what will happen yet. This particular scene is taking lots and lots of words to write, so who knows!
Anyway, I am falling asleep at the computer, and my wrist is aching, and I need to go to bed. I am taking Frodo the laptop on my trip up to Fowler, though (it’s an hour-long drive to Gedna’s) so I should get some writing done on the way up there and the way home. Tomorrow night I hope to have the climax scene to post.
Good night! ^_^