OK I am setting writing goals for myself starting today.
I’m going to make myself write 500 words of my short story before I get online.
I’ve decided that I have two years of warning before my job goes away, and what if I try to position myself so that I have income from my writing before then, so I only have to look for part-time work when my position is eliminated? So I’m going to start being a bit more disciplined about my original fiction.
Every other day I’ll write 500 words and on the alternate days I’ll revise 500 words of my novel. *nods*
I know, it sounds like low expectations, but if I can start making myself sit down every night with that goal, I know myself. I try to write 500 and several nights I’ll end up writing more than that. Of course, other nights I’ll end up writing 5, but that’s okay.