Book Review: Self-Publishers Ultimate Resource Guide

Red and white book cover of The Self Publisher's Ultimate Resource Guide

I had the opportunity this week to review the Self-Publishers Ultimate Resource Guide (Amazon affiliate link) by Joel Friedlander and Betty Kelly Sargent. First off, I’ll say that I was given a free digital copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. But I’ll follow that up by saying that I…

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Book Review: Book Marketing Is Dead

Cover of book titled Book Marketing Is Dead by Derek Murphy

How do you market a self-published book into a best-seller? Start with the absolute best book you can produce. This isn’t really a new idea–marketing experts have long been touting the importance of having a good cover design, professional editing, and excellent back copy–but it doesn’t end there. Author Derek…

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Book Rec: FAE – anthology edited by Rhonda Parrish

Book reviews aren’t my mainstay here on the blog, but I like to tell people about books I enjoyed, and I have to say that FAE is one of my favorite reads this summer. I read it just after it released, and weeks later, some of the stories are still sticking with…

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My new addiction

When I learned we were losing our Staples in my town, I thought I would go into withdrawal. And I guess I have, sort of…except that I’ve found a drug to replace Staples. It’s called JetPens, and they’ve made a lot of money from me lately. Japan really is the…

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I Can Quit Anytime

My town recently lost a precious commodity. A cherished landmark really. Well, I cherished it, at least. And I’m still in the denial stage of grief. Our Staples store closed on March 1. Please bow your head with me for a moment of silence. In the month of warning we…

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