A Song of Storm and Shadow

A Song of Storm and Shadow

A duty-bound gay prince, a rebellious princess, and a desperate assassin are on a collision course--with a war-ending alliance in the balance.

Princess Azmei of Tamnen doesn’t like the decision she’s facing: marry Vistaren of Amethir or let her kingdom’s war go on with no end in sight. How much of herself must she sacrifice to keep her people safe?

Crown Prince Vistaren Doth’Mara isn’t exactly thrilled about their upcoming marriage either, particularly since he likes boys instead of girls. Torn between duty and desire, he doesn’t know what to do.

Privateer Arama Dzornaea’s mission is simple: she must transport the prince to meet his contracted bride. As captain of the Dawn Star, she thinks she can handle anything—even her unwelcome attraction to the prince’s personal bodyguard, General Lozarr Algot.

Princess, pirate, and prince are sailing to meet on neutral territory, but all is not as it seems. Azmei’s new friend, Orya, is more dangerous than she looks. Prince Vistaren has secrets of his own. Arama’s unruly stormwitch might bring the whole ship down. And there are those who will stop at nothing to prevent the alliance between Tamnen and Amethir.

There’s a storm on the horizon, and its shadow is growing to cover the whole world.

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About the Book

This book contains the text of Stormsinger and Stormshadow, combined and rewritten to create a cohesive, full-length novel to introduce the Storms in Amethir series to new readers. In addition to the text published in 2013 and 2014, there are several scenes that were originally included in the first Amethir omnibus, as well as 12,000 new words written for this new edition.

Author: Stephanie A. Cain
Series: Storms in Amethir, Book 1
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Cathartes Press
Publication Year: 2024
ISBN: 9781944774141
List Price: 14.99
eBook Price: 2.99
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